Editing Services


Want to see if I'll be a good fit for your story?
Have me edit the first chapter (up to 5,000 words) for free!
The genres I specialize in include, but are not limited to:
Historical Fiction
Science Fiction
I've worked with all age ranges from picture books to adult.
(Optional Step)
Book Coaching
Have an idea for a story but you don't know where to start? Or maybe you've already started, but you need help figuring out how all of your ideas should fit together? Schedule a meeting with me to talk about your story in a brainstorming session and I will give you my insight to help you reach a completed first draft. I can be a board to bounce your ideas off of and help organize what you already have.
60 minute consultation - $125
Step #1
Developmental Edit
Completing the first draft of a story is a major accomplishment. Now it's time for an outside perspective with some insight into the industry standards for your genre and target audience. The developmental edit can lead to significant changes to your manuscript. It will identify your book’s strengths and weaknesses and help you devise a revision strategy that dramatically improves the execution of your idea. Rather than directly editing the document, this edit will be a separate review and critique of your work that will look at the larger elements of your story: the overall plot, characters, genre rules, etc. When carrying out developmental edits, expect significant changes to be made: cuts, additions, total restructuring, and other hard truths. ​
Step #2
Line Edit
The line edit is a markup of your manuscript before a final proof. This step looks at the story in a bit more detail. Though this stage won't likely have as major of alterations as the developmental edit, you should still expect to be revising heavily after receiving my line edits. I will edit your manuscript directly and leave comments editing for character development, plot holes, sentence structure, and world building. I will ensure the narrative style is fitting to the story and consistent in tone. This is the stage where I will undoubtedly beg you to "show, not tell." I will also perform minor rewrites to help with clarity, tone, and consistency.
Step #3
Copy Edit
Now that you've gone through a few rounds of edits to iron out the details of your story, this is the time for a more polished edit, looking at clarity, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and tense consistency. This stage will also make sure you don't have any inconsistencies such as a sudden unexplained costume change from jeans to khakis in a single scene. Though traditional publishing houses have their own editors, literary agents will be more likely to consider your book if it's not riddled with grammatical errors. And if you're pursuing the self-publishing route, this step will be especially critical since you won't have a team of in-house editors.
This level of editing is currently only available to those who have done at least line edits with me.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if self-publishing, you will still want to hire a separate proofreader after copy edits.
Past projects

What writers say about working with me